Customs FAQ

Customs related Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Chapter 1

General Information about Customs:

1.1 What is “Customs”?+

1.2 What are the basic responsibilities of Customs+

1.3 What is the name of Customs Office? How many customs offices are there in Bangladesh?+

1.4 Where are the Custom Houses located?+

1.5 How many LC Stations are approved and how many are in Operation? Where the operating…+

Chapter 2

Informer of Smuggling of Goods and Rewards:

2.1 How much reward is given to the informer of export/ import smuggling?+

2.2 What is the provision of secrecy of informer of export/ import smuggling?+

2.3 Should such informer be presented at investigation authority or court in the course of investigation?+

2.4 Can the informer get rewards or not, if the goods seized are given to use…+

2.5 How the amount of reward to informants has been provisioned, if the goods are provided…+

2.6 What types of papers are required to get reward by informer or the person who…+

2.7 How the amount of reward is given, if there is more than one informer?+
